Leading society to a greater level of health through neurologically-focused Chiropractic care.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to increase the utilization of chiropractic as a means of promoting health. The ultimate benefit of this strategy will be a reversal in society’s current trend to a progressive downward spiral in health and well being. We will educate the public on these basic tenets by all means possible with the conviction that Chiropractic care is an integral aspect of creating and maintaining the health of people of all ages. We will disseminate all applicable information in a rational, logical and scientifically valid manner, and will defend ourselves vigorously against any and all attempts to restrict our ability to share this information. Increased public awareness of this vital information will dramatically enhance our communities’ ability to make informed health care choices for themselves and their families and subsequently enhance their life experience. Finally, The Alliance For Chiropractic supports both its members and its allies in their ability to fulfill our Vision on an individual, local, national and international level.

Alliance For Chiropractic Policies

The Alliance For Chiropractic has developed policies on various issues that supports AFC’s Purpose. New policies will be added here as deemed necessary. If you have any questions regarding the AFC Policies please contact the AFC. If you have any concerns which you feel the AFC should address with a new policy please let us know.

The Alliance for Chiropractic (AFC) supports and advocates for patient-centred chiropractic care. All Ontarians who seek chiropractic care should be an active participant in their care. Their care recommendations should be based on their case history, subjective and objective findings beyond the presence or absence of symptoms but aligned with their goals. This is evidence-informed care and the AFC supports the College of Chiropractors of Ontario Partnership of Care in accordance with the Regulated Health Protection Act. We also support the World Health Organization’s view regarding patient-centred care: An approach to health care that is organized around the health needs and expectations of people rather than diseases. This view consciously adopts the perspectives of individuals, families and communities; sees them as participants as well as beneficiaries of the health care system. In this paradigm, patients have the education and support they need to make decisions and participate in their own care. The AFC recognizes that provision of chiropractic care beyond the cessation of symptoms is supported in the research literature. In most forms of healthcare, it’s accepted that care may extend beyond the resolution of symptoms. Chiropractic patients who choose to continue lifetime care for themselves and their families are free to choose to do so, without pressure or coercion. The AFC affirms that their care recommendations are based on their goals and not limited to their insurance coverage. That they are encouraged to continue lifetime care for themselves and their family if they so choose. If a patient chooses to discontinue chiropractic care, the DC should respect that decision, convey the consequences of this decision, and affirm the option to return to care in the future. We respect that the patient is the decision maker and we are here to educate, support and provide guidance. We respect if a patient does not align with our style of practice (values, methods, procedures, etc) that we can help them by referring them to another Chiropractor or other health practitioner that is a better match.