Making the Big Idea BIGGER In the Hearts and Minds of Chiropractors
Dr. Hester Potts

Dr. Hester Potts
My name is Dr Hester Potts and I live in Ottawa with my husband and 3 sons. I have been in practice since 2004. From 2004 until 2008 I worked as an associate but in 2008 I opened my first practice in Newcastle upon Tyne England which I still own and manage today.
In 2013, I returned to my home town Ottawa, Ontario where I did some locum work and in 2017 opened my own practice.
As a student at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in England I joined a ‘grass roots’ organization that had been created to protect and advance the principles of vitalistic chiropractic, called the United Chiropractic Association. Upon graduation I worked as an associate for one of their founding members. Throughout my time overseas, the Association grew and is now one of the biggest associations in the UK.
I believe in the AFC vision that every man, woman and child has access to subluxation-based Chiropractic delivered with exceptional skill, compassion and integrity. I bring my experience from watching and being a part of the UCA growth to the Alliance for Chiropractic.
I would like to see the AFC become the association with the biggest membership in Ontario and am excited to be involved with membership growth.